Doctor Who

Having spent so much of my career working in the science fiction and fantasy genre it might come as a small surprise to some to discover that I am not a particular fan. I have watched and enjoyed some recommended movies and TV but honestly would rather be gardening. The exception […]

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This month it’s all about flying.

This month it’s all about flying.  Superman and airplanes and general flying around… I enjoyed my evening at the Man of Steel screening.  I adored Henry and honestly harboured somewhat racy thoughts as he first exposed that fab physique.  He really made an old girl happy. It occurred to me […]

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June 2013

So what has prompted me to finally pull my finger out and do another blog? Simple, it’s time for another Superman and I cannot let the opportunity pass by without commenting on past/present and general Super/related incidents! This month saw my reunion with Terence Stamp at the British Film Institute. […]

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October 2012

It is a wonderfully busy time for me. There is plenty of audio work to do and that in itself is a challenge. There is also the play The Hallowe’en Sessions that will be at the Leicester Square theatre at the end of October. It will only run for a week and […]

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August 2011

I am starting this second blog somewhat tentatively as I haven’t yet launched the first one. Well I say I, but in fact it is my wonderful, whizzy, fabulous, computer literate friend Matt who is actually in charge. With his company Starfish Consultants he has transformed my life. It is […]

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June/July 2011

It has taken me quite some time to get to grips with the business of keeping or is it writing a blog. I have battled with decisions over whether it is like a diary or notes on momentous events in my life or mere drivel. Confused over format and worried […]

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